Lucie Hyšková, Petr Kubáč, Alexandra Naušová - vernisáž výstavy Sweet reality


Thursday 22 September 2022
at 7 pm
entry voluntary

We cordially invite you to a discussion with Jan Vranovský on Japanese urban design, architecture as well as everyday life in Tokyo, which will take place on Thursday, September 22, from 7 pm in the Fotografic Gallery. How European and Japanese cities differ, what makes Japanese urbanism so specific, why the average age of buildings in Tokyo is only around 26 years, and what it is like to live in such an environment, are the topics to be touched among others. The discussion is moderated by Tereza Bonaventurová.

Architect, photographer and designer Jan Vranovský (*1986) studied architecture at TU in Liberec and The University of Tokyo. After graduation, Jan worked for several architecture studios in Tokyo before establishing his own multidisciplinary design praxis, Studio VVAA. His photographic works were published in numerous exhibitions and publications, two of his prints were recently added to the permanent collection of Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Art in Yamanashi, Japan. He is currently based in Prague.

The discussion will take place as part of the accompanying program to Jan Vranovský’s exhibition at the Fotografic Gallery. His extensive photographic project Parallel World is an attempt to capture the ordinary yet complex space within Japanese cities, not through their entirety, but rather through fragments, details, uncanny relationships and emergent contexts. This allows the viewer to assemble their own image of generic, archetypal contemporary Japanese city. The logic follows actual experience of exploring and perceiving Japanese urban space which usually cannot be read through its rigid structure or architectural landmarks, but rather through fragmented, randomised, scattered and often transient moments and details. |