opening: 1. 3. 2022 at 7 pm
exhibition: 2. 3. – 2. 4. 2022

Artificial flowers, distant landscapes wallpapers, air fresheners with the scent of pine trees. In an effort to get closer to the supposed ideal of nature, we surround ourselves with its substitutes and hope that it will be enough. At present, however, the dream ideal may not be an exotic beach at sunset, but even just a few extra square meters in your own apartment. How have our dreams of a perfect home changed? What do different generations dream about and what influence does the surrounding environment have on us? Can a mere image of a beautiful room replace a real one? Will it be enough?
In their photographic and site-specific projects, Lucie Hyšková, Alexandra Naušová and Petr Kubáč have long been exploring the perception and formation of our immediate surroundings and personal space. In the current series in the Fotografic Gallery, they thoroughly research what a home actually consists of. Using a specific simulation of a dream space, they test the power of the photographic medium, autosuggestion and their possible impact on the quality of our lives.

Lucie Hyšková (* 1996), Alexandra Naušová (* 1996) and Petr Kubáč (* 1995) met while studying at the Faculty of Art and Design at the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, where they are all currently studying for a master’s degree. They exhibit together as an art group called PLS and have already presented several projects in the Czech Republic and abroad. | |

FOTOGRAFIC STARTUP is a platform focused on the presentation of works of beginning artists — many of whom are still students — with the aim to become a pivotal point in their career.