Wednesday, December 12, at 7 pm
CZ, 2014, 56 min, director: Vít Klusák
in Czech without English subtitles
entrance voluntary
facebook event & movie trailer
This documentary takes a look behind the scenes at the offices of a small Prague tabloid server. The main protagonists and our tour guides through the dregs of Czech show business are extroverted editor-in-chief Pavel Novotný and extravagant star-studded society reporter Olga Štiplová. The film gradually reveals how the tabloid editors’ professional cynicism has penetrated into their personal lives. (www.hypermarketfilm.cz)
The Tabloid workers movie is presented by Fotografic as part of the off program to the Prsi exhibition! The interactive show made by the art collectiveKrůtí směs R.I.P. presents unique interactive installations combining mass media and traditional Czech pub games to explore our ability to concentrate.